Independent schools are privately funded schools that can provide their students with a Christian education. Norfolk private schools are funded by endowments and tuition payments so they can be selective with the students the admit and teach the curriculum they desire. While public schools do not allow faith based education, enrollment in a private high school allows parents to ensure their children are getting a Christian education. Popular day school programs may have long wait lists for admissions.
Parents wishing to enroll their children in Christian schools need to research curriculums and tuition payment options. Private schools can require admission applications, essays, exams and personal interviews. Some schools may even go as far as not only interviewing potential students but their parents as well. Day schools are available for all age ranges, from pre k through secondary education. Going the private school route can ensure your children receive a high quality Christian education. Day school education can prepare individuals for a highly competitive corporate world.
If you are unhappy with your local public school options, you may wish to consider private schooling options. If you are specifically concerned with your children receiving a faith based Christian education, find a Christian school for your children.