Since the iPhone was first launched in the United States in 2007, over 85 million iPhones have been sold. That means mobile devices, especially iPhones and Apple products, are everywhere. And more and more iPhone users are asking to bring their iPhones to work.
With an increase in productivity and more than 70% of iPhone users checking work email on their own time, companies are encouraging employees and rushing to give them the go ahead. So what is the problem?
The majority of companies fail to realize that allowing employees to bring in apple mobile devices and use them at work puts the security of sensitive company data in hundreds of different hands. Over a third of employees using their smartphone or personal device at work reveal that their company does not make any effort to encrypt or otherwise protect data.
That means, when one of your employees falls into the nine percent of iPhone users dropping their device in the toilet, your company data is going to go right down with it. As long as you back up data and save important company information on more than one device (definitely a good idea), that may not seem like the worst case scenario. However employee iPhones and iPads are also subject to loss and theft, meaning sensitive data could end up in the wrong hands.
Giving employees more freedom does not have to mean that company data is at stake. iPhone management or iphone security can make all the difference. Mobile use accounts for up to 10% of all internet usage. Smart companies will keep that in mind and enforce iPad security measures and iPhone enterprise management to keep company data secure. With the right iphone management software, companies can erase private information from any location the moment a device is reported missing or stolen.
Keep sensitive company data secure and in the right hands. Mobile device management software gives you the freedom to increase productivity without putting private data at risk.